Monday, October 23, 2006

New blog

"Unapologetically pink" - I saw this phrase in a magazine to describe a beautiful pink crockery set - I've decided that I rather like it. Unapologetically pink this blog and me will be. ;)

"On what we could be and trying to get there" - I saw a quote once which really hit home: "The greatest waste in the world is the difference between what we are and what we could be" (John Grimes). This made me think about the tens and hundreds of things that I don't do well. Funny, I almost put "can't" there - but the "things" I'm referring to aren't really about ability.

I'm reading a book by Robin Sharma, and he talks about how easy it is to have "a heart filled with regret over a life half lived".

I don't want to have a life half lived.

But it's bloody hard sometimes, isn't it? To focus, to concentrate, to give your all to all that you do. There's a huge learning curve to deal with here.

I created this blog to provide a frank account of every mistake I make and every lesson I learn. I don't want others to fall down in the same ways that I have.

So, here's to "lives fully lived"!


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