Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Sunday afternoon television

I lost my laptop charger at the weekend, and was left with just my TV for company. Now, Sunday afternoon television did not appeal in the slightest. Nevertheless, I had it on in the background while I sat drafting a cover letter for a job application.

I soon realised that I'd stopped drafting to actually watch what was on. Has anybody ever watched Sunday afternoon TV? Well, it's all sport. Yesterday was gymnastics.

Next time you have a free Sunday afternoon, put on the television for a huge dose of motivation. All those slow replays: showing the grit, determination and tenacity of each athlete. I realised that our greatest athletes have achieved so much more than success in their sport, and that if I was going to ever do anything well, I needed to get the same mindset.

Now, the lazy me went downstairs to Cem's room to borrow her internet and browse Amazon for books on the athlete's mindset. Then I realised that it might be somewhat embarrassing if my shelf was full of these books, but I was still huffing and puffing up the stairs.

-- "Cem?", I said. "I think I need to become an athlete."

Cem, never one to shoot down a ridiculous idea, simply smiled and asked me in what sport.

-- "Well, I like salsa dancing. But I think this should be something I don't
like." I said.

-- "Oh, that's easy", she said. "RUNNING!"

Known fact: I don't like running. I never have. I think it's boring and tiring and it only ever leaves me feeling defeated.

So, I took a big gulp and went to Borders to buy a book on running. Yes, yes, I know I should be doing the thing before filling up my shelf. But this has a beginners guide (and it's shiny), and I never knew that new runners need to alternate between walking and running every few minutes, to avoid fully depleting all inner stores of energy, dignity and pride.

I've roped Cem in, and we're going to have our first walk/run/walk/run ... thing ... tomorrow. Wish us luck.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I never thought YOU would decide to take up running. ^_^
Swinging, eating ice cream and listening to me sing 'old mcDonald' maybe, but not running.

Good luck babe, you've got your work cut out with that one!

11:38 AM  
Blogger ThePants999 said...

Why does your athleticism have to be in something you don't like? None of the athletes from whom you're taking inspiration are doing something they don't enjoy. A "full life" isn't about filling it up for the sake of it not being empty. It's about getting the most out of it. That can be altruistic - making sure the world gets the best of you - or it can be focused on yourself, extracting the most enjoyment from every moment. But filling your life with something that benefits neither you nor anyone else isn't much better than leaving it empty, surely?

But top marks for effort. ;-)

2:37 PM  
Blogger ladyinpink said...

Chris! So wonderful to hear from you.

Ah yes, I wondered if it might come across like that. Well, there are three things here ... the truth is that I've never liked running, but always *wanted* to like it. I've read comments such as "the grass is springy underfoot today, low cloud is settling in the valley and the air is clean and cool - the scent of rain on bracken lingers", and I want to get past this mental barrier to be able to enjoy those things too. I want to feel the exhilaration of conquering something that I've never been able to do before.

Secondly, I do also want to get good at doing things I don't want to do. The aim in life, of course, is to only do things you want to do ... but it's not always so easy. Getting out of bed on a Monday morning?! Not going for that giant slice of chocolate cake? And being able to run would help me, I think.

Thirdly, I want to run marathons, and they have them all over the world - I read of this woman who was 2st overweight, lost it through running, then ran seven marathons. I'm going to be her. ;)

Does that make any more sense?!

How are you?

Sam xx

3:47 PM  

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