Friday, November 03, 2006

Me and the parks

My dear Cem was ill today, so I ran alone for the first time.

The jog was nothing short of invigorating. The cold has really set in now, so I was almost the only one awake and outside. I reached the parks and discovered that a frost had fallen! It was beautiful, serene ... beautifully serene. The world felt silent, though my iPod accompanied me. "Still", perhaps, would be a better word. Walking and running, running and walking, the immense parks seemed to open out before me. I ran through an orange sunrise. The earth seemed to bask in its newfound warmth.

It was cold, it was fresh, I felt breathless and fit and alive.

Then ... I got lost! Yes, my dear Cem, I really do need you with me. How I could quite lose myself in the parks I don't know. It wasn't that bad - I just came out a different entrance, but it did take a few wrong turns before I came across a familiar road.

Oxford is tiny you'll tell me: yes, and I'm rubbish with directions, no matter what.


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